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Would you like to feel centered, calm, peaceful, and in charge of your experience on earth? Join us for this amazingly empowering program and progress with confidence on your ascension path.

Course curriculum

  • 2

    Chapter #1 - Claiming Your Power

    • What is personal power?

    • Claiming Your Power

    • Power Wheel

  • 3

    Chapter #2 - The Physical Body and the Role It Plays

    • Physical Body and Its Role in Ascension

    • Breathing the Light

  • 4

    Chapter #3 - Your Physical Body and Kinesiology Self-Testing

    • Your Physical Body and Kinesiology

    • Kinesiology Video

    • Translation Decree

  • 5

    Chapter #4 - Your Higher Self

    • Your Higher Self

    • Your Higher Self Connection

  • 6

    Chapter #5 - Cosmic Etiquette

    • Cosmic Etiquette

    • Cancel Oaths and Agreements

  • 7

    Chapter #6 - Discernment and The Art of Questioning

    • Discernment

    • Discernment Exercise

  • 8

    Chapter #7 - Spiritual Hygiene

    • Spiritual Hygiene Part 1

    • Spiritual Hygiene Part 2

    • Spiritual Aerobics

    • Claiming Your Space

    • Protecting Your Space

    • Clearing Your Space

    • Filling Your Space

    • Maintaining Your Space

  • 9

    Chapter #8 - Blessing Your Food

    • Blessing Your Food

    • Blessing Your Food

  • 10

    Chapter #9 - VAKS

    • Manifestation

    • VAKS

  • 11

    Chapter #10 - Mindset

    • Mindset

    • Mindset Mastery 1

    • Mindset Mastery 2

    • Mindset Mastery 3

  • 12

    Chapter #11 - Conclusion

    • Workshop Conclusion

    • Ascension Bingo

    • Book Resource List

    • Online Resources

    • Practice Calendar